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The Spam Thread!
Seems stale, eh?
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Monday comes too soon >_<

then again, between having really weird dreams about riding my FurReal Friends Butterscotch in bed, having a weird plane ride (curved runways? Is that even possible?) and walking around looking for WiFi at a tropical island where internet is hard to get...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
300th post? THIS IS SPARTA! Sparta
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:Seems stale, eh?

Well, I finally posted my review of the VisualLand Phantom in the Computers forum, so it's not so stale anymore. Tongue

Oh, and congrats on making [strike]the 300th post in this thread[/strike] your 300th forum post, Blake! Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Going to buy a PS3 by this week. Any advice?
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Going to buy a PS3 by this week. Any advice?

Wish I could offer advice, but I saved up and bought Elsie, my Nintendo Wii.

I can ask what has motivated you to buy a PS3 over an Xbox 360 or Wii? Any exclusive PS3 title that you are after, or are you going to use the PS3 as a home entertainment hub?

I was going to get a PS3 initially, but I decided not to after they scrapped hardware backwards compatibility with original PS2 games. I then decided to focus on the Nintendo Wii instead. The Wii has no HD output nor as many cutting edge titles (read: popular FPS games) that the XB360/PS3 have, but I prefer casual games over hardcore games, so I'm all good. Tongue
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Going to buy a PS3 by this week. Any advice?
Well, firstly, go for a 120GB model if they're cheaper. 120GB should last about a year or two if you rarely buy games from PSN and don't install the games from disk. You can easily replace the hard disk with a bigger capacity one yourself later on, but it's really up to your strategy.

Secondly, if you're planning to mod, do not go online after modding. Taking a modded console online is a bad idea, a update can totally turn a console into a doorstop after installation. That said, avoid modding the PS3 if you can. Games on PSN aren't too expensive anyway, and you can get PS3 games (especially second hand games) real cheap online. Most PS3 games are also region free, meaning if you buy them from the US, they will work on Asian PS3s. Most. Only Persona 4 Arena is region-locked so far.

Speaking of online, if you don't have fast broadband, buying discs are a better way to go. The games are huge, and can take hours to download if you buy them online. And, first thing to do when you get online is to do a firmware update.

Lastly, if your home TV is a widescreen LCD instead of a older picture tube TV, get a HDMI cable with the PS3. You may also need a HDMI switch if your TV only has one HDMI port and is already being used by Indovision or any other video devices. Using a HDMI cable allow the PS3 to run in HD mode, meaning games will look sharper, and will actually run in widescreen mode to fit the TV instead of being stretched and making everything look fat.

Post your PSN account name once you get your PS3 (if you choose to get unmodded PS3 and go online) so I can add you Tongue
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Well, my country is Indonesia, so you can probably guess what kind of PS3 I'm going to buy. And I don't plan to even connect it to internet anyway.

Thanks for mentioning the thing about HDMI. I just looked at the TV I'm going to use for PS3 (Sharp Aquos, just for information) and indeed there's an HDMI slot there. I'll take notice of this.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Even so I'd choose not to get a pre-jailbreaked PS3. I would JB my console if I have a spare lying around, but since I don't have plans to own two or more PS3s I don't think that I'm likely to do so.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Well, my country is Indonesia, so you can probably guess what kind of PS3 I'm going to buy. And I don't plan to even connect it to internet anyway.

Thanks for mentioning the thing about HDMI. I just looked at the TV I'm going to use for PS3 (Sharp Aquos, just for information) and indeed there's an HDMI slot there. I'll take notice of this.
Sharp Aquos! Like my older TV which I'm currently only using for watching TV XD

Well, you can still find non-modded PS3s in Indonesia if Sony's website is to be believed. Just need to go to Sony Center instead of those game shops. However, original PS3 games are not cheap unless it's a old second hand title or you buy the games from PSN.

The online ability of the PS3 is not only used for online multiplayer games. You can also use it to browse the internet, watch youtube, get and send mail to other PSN users, and as I mentioned before, buy games online and have it sent straight to your PS3. You can also use it to play back videos stored on your laptop. Still, your call. But if you're planning to mod, change of plan- get the largest hard disk model. Since modded PS3s need you to do full install of the games to your hard disk.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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