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The Spam Thread!
huckleberrypie Wrote:
cpd2009 Wrote:
Stella Grapes Wrote:I'm alive.
Hello! How is your late spring/early summer going?

Yeah, it's been a while, not to mention that you don't seem to show up so frequently here like you used to.

It's considered summer here, with school out. I'm good.
Exam almost over..
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Three day vacation over (I took one day annual leave, due to feeling burnt out). 4 More days to my next planned vacation.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
[Image: DSCF1890_low.jpg]
I never thought I would end up with so many GB handhelds. The newest additions were two DMG-01 GBs from a rummage sale... $10 for both! One of them came with a neat carrying case shaped like a DMG-01 GB, containing one of the handhelds, some third-party rechargeable battery thing, a manual, and a "Side Pocket" game cart. The handheld inside is rather scratched and beat up but it does work. The other GB is almost pristine with hardly no scratches and a brilliant LCD display. It didn't turn on at all when I first tried to, using the other GB's batteries. I put in fresh batteries a few days ago, and the near-pristine GB does work now. Smile I might use the GB case with this particular unit and sell off the working-but-worn GB.

I never played GB games on an original DMG-01, since I never owned a GB until I got a GBC as a Christmas present in 2000. I have seen other people's DMG-01 units over the years though, and was mystified by the slightly blurry soup green LCD. Tongue

As for the GBA consoles... I could name them if I wanted to. The pink one would be Flo, and the blue one Zo. Clifford's Puppy Days was on the air during the golden days of the GBA, so such names I find very fitting. I would like to use the pink GBA more, but I worry about getting strange looks from people. Ah well, the blue one is nice too. Unsure about what to do with the AGB-001 GBA. Ashens is 100% right about the inability to see these screens without very good light.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Addendum to my GBA post, and something SSC related. Tongue

David, have you played the GBA SSC games before? I know there are at least two GBA games based on 2004 SSC. There is also a GBA Video cartridge as well, containing two stories also from the 2004 version.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:Addendum to my GBA post, and something SSC related. Tongue

David, have you played the GBA SSC games before? I know there are at least two GBA games based on 2004 SSC. There is also a GBA Video cartridge as well, containing two stories also from the 2004 version.

The latter cartridge's largely a mixed bag imo. It doesn't run at all on a GBA Player presumably due to copyright concerns, but that would be moot as the quality's sub-par anyway.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
cpd2009 Wrote:Addendum to my GBA post, and something SSC related. Tongue

David, have you played the GBA SSC games before? I know there are at least two GBA games based on 2004 SSC. There is also a GBA Video cartridge as well, containing two stories also from the 2004 version.

[Image: UPtQe43.jpg]

And that's just the GBA/DS ones...

I applaud Majesco for not region-locking their videos /* angry stare at Leapfrog */
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Long overdue benchmark results of that Android TV stick I purchased...

[Image: DSCF1862_low.jpg]
[Image: DSCF1864_low.jpg]
[Image: DSCF1866_low.jpg]
Yep, the box was right. This stick does have a Rockchip CPU as indicated in the pictures above. It's also at the bottom rung of performance in comparison to the ASUS Zen Phone 5, but I think it's on par with a budget dual-core tablet. It won't be blazing fast like Hazel, but for video streaming and occasional gaming, the stick should run well.

To that end, I did take note that when you stream a lot of video, the Android stick does get very hot to the touch, though it cools off once streaming is done. I wonder if this will reduce the lifespan of the device in the long run, but it does have a large air vent along the bottom with a heatsink visible.

Oh, and because of this streaming stick, Netflix is becoming more enticing. I'll explain my reasons later. Wink
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
At least Drastic should run fine there with some frameskip used. Wink
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
I guess nothing can defeat the Meizu MX4, with it's retina sound system :/

(what the heck is retina sound anyway? What does a retina sound like? The mind boggles...)
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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