01-09-2016, 09:26 PM
Veggie throwing? That would be a waste of crops.
And yeah, things are stale ever since Dave left the boards for good.

The Spam Thread!
01-09-2016, 09:26 PM
Veggie throwing? That would be a waste of crops.
01-10-2016, 06:45 AM
Well, turns out testing Linux will be a bit harder than I thought, at least at this point. I was attempting to install PCLinuxOS to the external HDD, but for some reason it needs to mount the Windows drive during the process and it fails to do so. The problem arises from Win10's fast shutdown/hybrid shutdown feature, which hibernates the system before shutting down and marks the partition indicating this. NTFS-3G will not mount hubernated drives in RW mode as it can cause errors with the Windows install.
I will have to disable Fast Startup and Hybrid Shutdown temporarily. I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
01-10-2016, 10:57 AM
Pros and Cons of Linux:
Pros: Fully customizeable and hackable, lots of truly free open source applications that you can also customize or hack to your liking, lots of unique games, and being able to use a system that is overall very different from what the majority of people do use. Cons: Not all FOSS software is fully featured like their commercial counterparts (aka Adobe programs), strange hardware setups like Nvidia Optimus can be a pain to configure if it works at all, not all Steam games support Linux yet such as Pinball Arcade, and dual booting with Win8 onward is also tricky due to Fast Boot/Fast Shutdown. There is also the wonderful UEFI Secure Boot that not every distro supports yet. Still debating whether or not to test Linux again. I'm in a brainstorm mode. One idea is to convert Patsy to Linux and not change Ruby at all. Having a KVM switch helps here. Ruby could in theory get the GTX750 and upgraded PSU to run my pinball sims along with my other Windows games. She has a 1TB hard disk after all, and it's not even halfway used up. Then again, Patsy's Win10 install is still rather fresh. I have no problems with Win10, but I just have the urge to give Linux another try. Which is why I want to test it on an external hard disk and see if any issues come up. I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
01-10-2016, 05:26 PM
Another post... this time, I have been digging around at a few Yahoo groups I used to be in. It's where I met David and Agent0042.
I then decided to pull up a chat log from January 31st 2005, almost 11 years ago. It was a chat between members about Arthur, and reading my responses, I was shocked. I was against the idea of showing gay or lesbian couples in a kids TV show back then. The show in question was a "Postcards from Buster" episode that had a lesbian couple, leading several PBS stations to pull that particular episode and causing a good amount of controversy. I stated my displeasure for it back then, and even wanted to boycott the TV show. I completely forgot about the chat, because, well, it's just a random internet chat we had over 10 years back. Who can remember specific chats? If it wasn't for me, that chat log wouldn't exist. I think I was only 17 years old when I was in that chat. I never followed politics, didn't care about moral issues that much, and probably because the idea of showing a lesbian couple was completely new to me, I guess I didn't know what to think other than acting negatively. The way I stated my displeasure makes me look like one of those right-wing Christian activists who staunchly oppose LGBT rights. Thus, I kinda feel bad about it even though I wrote those statements as an uneducated 17 year old high school student. I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
01-13-2016, 12:07 PM
Ahh, there's nothing like a feeling of accomplishment when you perform upgrades on your PC.
![]() I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
01-13-2016, 03:33 PM
cpd2009 Wrote:Ahh, there's nothing like a feeling of accomplishment when you perform upgrades on your PC.Indeed. ![]()
01-14-2016, 06:30 AM
Call this a case of "Too Good To Last". The only US news channel I watch, AlJazeera America, is ceasing operations on April 30th.
![]() <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/01/13/al-jazeera-america-shut-down/78746490/">http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/201 ... /78746490/</a><!-- m --> Even if there was turmoil within the AJAM newsroom, it was still a rather great channel to watch since it focused on domestic issues in-depth without the fluff or shouting matches that plague the other big three "news" channels here. Then again, a lot of people in America (mostly right-wingers) think AlJazeera is anti-American simply because it's owned by the government of Qatar, a small oil-rich country in the Middle East. It seems to most right wingers that being Arab means they are anti-American, hence why there is so much Islamophobia spreading inside the US. I also place some blame on AJAM's seeming avoidance of streaming it's network online. Throughout it's entire history you could only get AJAM on satellite or a few select cable companies. Their website only had single news stories and clips. No option to stream the network to your tablet or PC. Many others are also speculating the freefalling oil prices as the main reason for AJAM's owners in Qatar to shut it down. In the end, I do hope the channel simply switches over to a 24/7 feed of AlJazeera English rather than just go dark. I would rather watch international headlines from AJE than the ones coming from the big three. I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
01-14-2016, 07:03 AM
I am now officially a law student! I took my first tests today. They were difficult, to say the least. I'll get used to this.
01-14-2016, 10:38 AM
cpd2009 Wrote:Call this a case of "Too Good To Last". The only US news channel I watch, AlJazeera America, is ceasing operations on April 30th.Yeah, I tend to notice the sensationalism with CNN especially on local runs of US news programmes. As long as it's corporate-run, it's almost certainly going to be driven by drama and not necessarily the truth.
01-14-2016, 12:47 PM
Stella Grapes Wrote:I am now officially a law student! I took my first tests today. They were difficult, to say the least. I'll get used to this.Congratulations! Here is hoping that you will be a great student. Yes, there will be difficult tests and assignments, but what higher-ed institution doesn't have them? Just give it your absolute best efforts, and you shall succeed. ![]() I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.