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The Spam Thread!
Oh, today was supposed to be so much more productive.. then someone approached me about RPing and things got lost. In 30 minutes I'm getting off the internet and not getting back on till 2 hours have passed. I need to get some stuff done. *laughs*
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Took me more than 3 weeks just to write a mini chapter. Things really are piling up on my side.

Btw, does my avy look like I'm the brown boy instead of the bespectacled boy for clueless people?
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Took me more than 3 weeks just to write a mini chapter. Things really are piling up on my side.

Btw, does my avy look like I'm the brown boy instead of the bespectacled boy for clueless people?

I think the color of your name tends to bring focus to the one with a similar hair color and makes it obvious who you are, personally. That's just me though. <3

Work is icky, sorry things are piling up on you.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Took me more than 3 weeks just to write a mini chapter. Things really are piling up on my side.

Btw, does my avy look like I'm the brown boy instead of the bespectacled boy for clueless people?

I think the color of your name tends to bring focus to the one with a similar hair color and makes it obvious who you are, personally. That's just me though. <3

Work is icky, sorry things are piling up on you.

I agree with Angel.

New people keep thinking my name is Stella, which is entirely understandable. My name sort of is Stella, as I added the name Esther (which, like Stella, means star) to my full name during the time I thought of the name Stella Grapes. Esther is a middle name, though, not my first name. Esther is what my first name was originally going to be, before my racist parents decided against it. Never mind that two of my brothers have Hebrew names. Never mind that I would have been Timothy if a boy.
Just watched season 2 part 2

Pros: Much lighter than part 1.
Cons: Not the end of Discord. Not sent to the moon. Not disintegrated. No big kaboom with lots of gorn and ludicrous gibs (that's how much I hate Discord on the sole reason he turned Fluttershy into a /female dog/). Not even a /Belgium/ing heel-face turn.

Wait... Bijou => Jewelry (in French) => Diamond Tiara (A kind of Jewelry). STANMAN MUST DIE!.

Tropes Spotted (but will not add due to my viritol with that set of trope pages, and because they'd most likely already added it anyway): LighterAndSofter LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:No big kaboom with lots of gorn and ludicrous gibs

Oh yeah, that wouldn't scare kids a lot more than a silly chimera gent would. :roll: Discord turned out to be what I predicted, my second favorite type of villain with more cosmic power than the personality usually has. You want to explode his guts. How mean. You'll never win over your enemies with that attitude.

I know you do realize the spells were broken and Fluttershy is back to being herself.
I have to say, I loved that moment as a Fluttershy fan even if you really disliked it RAM. I loved it in the way that Fluttershy, unlike the rest of them, couldn't be just tempted to ignoring or disregarding their Element of Harmony. She just had to be outright forced. That moment, despite her being "mean" afterwards actually just reinforced how kind she really is. A pony can hardly really be blamed for things they do when they are magically changed to do them, can they? Moments like that would only really be sad for me if Fluttershy was tossing and turning about it for the time afterwards, but as long as the character ends up happy then I'm just fine. More-so though, I heard he was still pretty "gone" by the end of the episode anyway, so I was expecting you to be happy. Happy is the bestest!

EDIT: Wait, I said to be happy then posted something emo, none of that! People have really been liking my Minecraft server, it's great to be able to offer people a fun place to play and it's fun to be able to play with my friends.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Truth be told, I'm a little surprised that Discord was just turned back to stone, since that's what happened when Luna and Celestia wielded the Elements, and it's implied that Twilight and her friends have more power when they use the Elements due to their friendship. But I suppose the Elements of Harmony can't really blank someone out of existence, and with his reality warping powers, anything that left him able to move wouldn't be a solution either. So stoning it is, I suppose.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
Stella Grapes Wrote:Oh yeah, that wouldn't scare kids a lot more than a silly chimera gent would.
Well, what he did effected my perspective of Fluttershy.

Stella Grapes Wrote:I know you do realize the spells were broken and Fluttershy is back to being herself.
Yeah, but the first 15 minutes was still dark and upsetting tho. And seeing Fluttershy and the rest bully Twilight... I can't. It reminded me of the time where a group of gangster students beat me up in the school toilet because I stumbled upon them planting a bomb in there (yeah, the school I went to was that bad). Putting in the ponies I love as them... I can't bear the thought, think I'll try to go back to bed after this.

Or maybe I'll just go out and binge-eat. To forget I saw that.

I still hold low confidence for the rest of the season given the WMG at TVTropes tho. Even if Discord is temporarily out of the way, new villains may descend on Ponyville. And as one of my entries at TVTrope once said, the missing E/I bug pretty much tells me that Hasbro has ditched the slice of life format.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I really need to start watching MLP:FIM. It looks good, and I know it's good, but I haven't had any motivation to see it.

Anyway, I finally found a replacement for Pinch, my little MP4 player that died on me last Sunday. (this is for Angel and EvaIana... I named it after Pinch from "PB&J Otter", a show I totally missed out on when I was younger and didn't manage to record myself)

[Image: 6179755887_47e2d0a6cd.jpg]
Old Vs New MP4 players by cpd2005, on Flickr

Pinch is on the right, unable to wake up any longer. Her replacement has yet to get a name, and to be honest, I'm starting to run out of ideas. I think I just need to think a bit more. I was just going to transfer the name over to the new one, but found out that the new player doesn't allow custom desktop wallpaper. Pinch did, and that is one thing that made her special.

[Image: 6180282686_b4f631a961.jpg]
Main Interface by cpd2005, on Flickr

The new one has a touch screen, as well as a "shake" feature. If you shake the player while playing music, it will go to the next track on the list, or the previous, depending on how it was shaken.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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