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The Spam Thread!
No offense taken.

I wonder tho- what if the girl, being forced to make up her mind, picks the wrong guy due to haste?

Cold turkeys... If I go one more day without Arthur I'm gonna crack...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
cpd2009 Wrote:Did the exam go over well Sandy?
Out of 9 subjects, two was horribly broken, two others so-so, and for the rest I am confident to get good marks.

I need to study harder for the end-semester exam in June.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Just a random shoop:
[Image: 2lu76zk.jpg]
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Well, I was going to write about how I renewed my Norton Internet Security for another year, but Intel AppUp has me going into rant mode yet again... sorry.

So, I was having issues updating Angry Birds on Greta, using the Intel AppUp Center to do so. I figured that I would uninstall and re-install AppUp as well as the apps I purchased with it. The uninstall and reinstall procedure worked fine.

The problem starts when I tried to log in. I log in, and I get a message saying that I have exceeded my maximum device limit.


I was never under the impression that all the previous uninstalls and reinstalls of AppUp were being treated like multiple device installs. There are times that I have to reinstall Windows because of a problem that can't be solved through normal means. I also ended up having to get a more powerful laptop last year as well.

I could go into my profile and deauthorize a machine before reinstall Windows or get a new computer right? Apparently, wrong. From what I am reading, the only way to deauthorize a computer from AppUp is to contact their support via email.


Here is where Intel is behind the times. They provide no browser-based AppUp computer management platform. Google Play and Amazon AppStore offer browser-based device management platforms... why can't Intel? Why does Intel have to resort to email-only deauthorization of your computers?

They do offer a support center, but in order to use it to it's fullest extent, you have to register a completely separate account there. It doesn't take your AppUp Login at all. This wastes even further time and adds redundancy as you now have to keep track of two separate accounts just for one service. You also can't manage your devices there either.

This all makes Intel AppUp even less appealing to me. Yeah, they have Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja, but you can't really manage these with a web-based interface like Google Play? Ugh....
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Some of them aren't well-protected, too. I've seen certain games that do not come with at least some decent form of activation, or a Steam-style tying scheme.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Even though I'm still fuming at Intel for their atrocious device management concept, I do have to give them credit for their quick response in resetting my device count.

Although I'm going to go ahead and install Steam later on. They have a lot of casual games I can get.

I already have Steam for Lilly. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Sleepy. Which is odd because I slept early last night, although I had nightmares again (I blame the pizza. Pizza immediately before bedtime is bad...)
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
This is largely a USA issue, but I'm posting it here anyway.

Meet CISPA... if you haven't already.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... facts.html</a><!-- m -->

This is probably the bestest article that explains what CISPA is, why people are against it, and why it was brought up. Apparently, CISPA would enable popular websites like Facebook and YouTube to share a users private information with the federal government for cybersecurity purposes.

There is a huge internet backlash against this bill, and from what I read, CISPA won't pass the Senate (it already passed the House), and even if it does, the President has vowed to veto the bill.

Here is one more article on the issue:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... t-you-faq/</a><!-- m -->
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
No wonder why people are so cynical at law-"makers". Dancing to those greedy lobbyists' tune isn't going to help a nation.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
I already signed The EFF's petition to ban CISPA. I recommend everyone else does too. You can sign it even if you're from outside the US, the international signatures goes to White House staff while the signatures within the US will go to the senators of your state.


So I bought a Powertouch book off eBay a few weeks ago thinking that I didn't get that book and it vanished in the mail the last time. Now that it has arrived, I'm horrified to find that I now own two copies of the book and the book that went missing was a different title.

And worst of all, said title is currently not available on eBay.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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