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The Spam Thread!

After doing some more research on the AirPort Extreme, I found out it won't work for Pammy. She can only use the original Airport card which doesn't support WPA/WPA2. Sad

Guess I'll need a Wifi to Ethernet bridge. This way, I can also see if the Ethernet port is actually fried or not. OSX still detects the port.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Had IBM be able to keep up with them PowerPC designs, G5 wouldn't have been a dud and Apple may have still been sticking to PPC, but then again compatibility and cost issues are also the reason why they went with x86, much to the chagrin of those who felt like 867MHz is still faster than a 1GHz P4.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
huckleberrypie Wrote:Had IBM be able to keep up with them PowerPC designs, G5 wouldn't have been a dud and Apple may have still been sticking to PPC, but then again compatibility and cost issues are also the reason why they went with x86, much to the chagrin of those who felt like 867MHz is still faster than a 1GHz P4.
One can only wonder where Apple would be if they stuck with PPC. Only notable device using PPC these days is the Wii U AFAIK, which only hindered it's third party acceptance in the eighth generation of video game systems from an architectural standpoint.

While still on Macs, I fired up my Mac Mini to see what El Capitan is like. Using Pammy for a while also sort of played into that, I guess. I believe September 27th was Lilly's fourth birthday, and she sat unused in storage. :/ Thus, I am going to give OS X yet another chance.

In the end, I don't think I can ever really let go of Lilly... or any of my PCs even if I tried. If I could just get her a new Apple keyboard and mouse, and a MiniDP to VGA adapter, then I could make Lilly the main PC with Ruby being the media production house like she has been since June. Pammy would work wonderfully for running old PowerPC games and programs like that American Girl CDROM.

I have been using Patsy since July, and her performance is rather good with Vista. But Vista support ends in two years, and her max RAM support is 4GB. 4GB is the bare minimum when it comes to desktops today. And even though I don't like Apple's business practices, there are some aspects of OS X that I do like, such as Safari web browser. I also haven't really given the newer OS X releases a fair chance either. Oh, and finding FFView makes viewing screencaps easier than ever. Preview has always been a bit dodgy and buggy when it comes to viewing directories of photos.

One more reason why I'm trying OS X again is MS. Win8.1 is still running 'swell on Ruby, but MS is becoming a bit more aggressive with the Win10 offers. Windows Update now greets me with a "Get Windows 10" graphic and update, which I have to manually hide. Worse still: KB3035583, the "update" that is just a downloader program for Win10, is now marked as Important. If you use automatic updates, then this update gets re-installed. I don't know if hiding the update will prevent it from doing so, and I may try that.

This coming weekend, we are heading out of town for a weekend getaway. I'm on a budget this time around, but I should be able to get the MiniDP to VGA adapter and Apple Keyboard and mouse. There is a third-party Apple store in that city's mall, but it may be a bit cheaper if I head to Best Buy. Or not. Apple stuff tends to be a bit pricey even for accessories, but at least they are well made.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:
huckleberrypie Wrote:Had IBM be able to keep up with them PowerPC designs, G5 wouldn't have been a dud and Apple may have still been sticking to PPC, but then again compatibility and cost issues are also the reason why they went with x86, much to the chagrin of those who felt like 867MHz is still faster than a 1GHz P4.
One can only wonder where Apple would be if they stuck with PPC. Only notable device using PPC these days is the Wii U AFAIK, which only hindered it's third party acceptance in the eighth generation of video game systems from an architectural standpoint.

While still on Macs, I fired up my Mac Mini to see what El Capitan is like. Using Pammy for a while also sort of played into that, I guess. I believe September 27th was Lilly's fourth birthday, and she sat unused in storage. :/ Thus, I am going to give OS X yet another chance.

In the end, I don't think I can ever really let go of Lilly... or any of my PCs even if I tried. If I could just get her a new Apple keyboard and mouse, and a MiniDP to VGA adapter, then I could make Lilly the main PC with Ruby being the media production house like she has been since June. Pammy would work wonderfully for running old PowerPC games and programs like that American Girl CDROM.

I have been using Patsy since July, and her performance is rather good with Vista. But Vista support ends in two years, and her max RAM support is 4GB. 4GB is the bare minimum when it comes to desktops today. And even though I don't like Apple's business practices, there are some aspects of OS X that I do like, such as Safari web browser. I also haven't really given the newer OS X releases a fair chance either. Oh, and finding FFView makes viewing screencaps easier than ever. Preview has always been a bit dodgy and buggy when it comes to viewing directories of photos.

One more reason why I'm trying OS X again is MS. Win8.1 is still running 'swell on Ruby, but MS is becoming a bit more aggressive with the Win10 offers. Windows Update now greets me with a "Get Windows 10" graphic and update, which I have to manually hide. Worse still: KB3035583, the "update" that is just a downloader program for Win10, is now marked as Important. If you use automatic updates, then this update gets re-installed. I don't know if hiding the update will prevent it from doing so, and I may try that.

This coming weekend, we are heading out of town for a weekend getaway. I'm on a budget this time around, but I should be able to get the MiniDP to VGA adapter and Apple Keyboard and mouse. There is a third-party Apple store in that city's mall, but it may be a bit cheaper if I head to Best Buy. Or not. Apple stuff tends to be a bit pricey even for accessories, but at least they are well made.

Nintendo made a bad decision with insisting on an oddball approach as seen on the Wii U. I know some of the other ports to it turn up like mollasses due to lack of optimisation, but still it shows as not only that the specs are gimped compared to its contemporaries, the PPC processor is, as what Apple can attest, quite expensive, hence the latter's transition to x86 some ten years ago.

And yes, MS shouldn't have pushed for shoving Windows 10 up everyone's throats either. The OS is alright, but people have the right to disagree or decline than be left with gigabytes worth of an installer they wouldn't bother using.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Welp... wanted to post a screencap of Lilly's upgraded ElCapitan, but I have to edit it a bit. I forgot to edit out her serial number. :/

Okay, fixed now. Smile
[Image: Lilly_ElCapitan_Fixed_100815.jpg]

One big advantage over my two PCs... YouTube videos can play in full 60fps in Safari, that is if said video is 60fps. I was watching an arcade game playthrough, and 60fps is stunning. I'm used to it on TV, but not so much on YouTube.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, new Apple Keyboard and Mouse for Lilly acquired. I got the Magic Mouse, but I'm wondering if I should have gone for the standard mouse instead. The standard mouse is cheaper and has a scroll ball, but I used a wireless variant of that in the past. The scroll ball can easily get clogged with dirt and lose accuracy.

But with the Magic Mouse, the entire surface is touch sensitive. I can scroll with it, but apparently you can't middle click. :/
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
SO, this actually isn't suited for The Spam Thread, but I'm being lazy.

I saw the new Sour Grapes and Sweet Grapes.

I think it's really something that my original idea for Reformed Grapes' name was Sweet Grapes, although that is the rather obvious choice. Stella, meaning Star, tied into the arc I planned out and flowed better, however.

I also think it's funny how much Sweet Grapes looks like the previous incarnation of Plum Puddin'.

Anyhow, as a long time Sour Grapes fan, here is my two cents:

I always wanted to see Grapes at Strawberry's age. However, I wanted to see that in flashbacks. I like Grapes as both an antagonistic adult and a maternal adult. She was the first adult woman in the franchise, so that seems important to her character. I'm not sure how much sense that makes. She's the wicked auntie, she's the sensible sister who has known her sibling for a loooong time, and she's Team Mom.

The kid remake had pieces of this. I was pleasantly surprised to find some of her predecessors in her, more than I expected. That was a comforting familiarity. There's a glimmer of the old Grapes.

But my main issue isn't her generation, although that was always part of her character before. My main issue is she was always GRAPES. Not Sour, not Sweet, not Stella either, GRAPES. Her second name was the important name. The one exception to this was Gladys, and that was a temporarily visited alternate universe.

Point is, Grapes is multifaceted. She is sour. She is sweet. She is a person of many strengths and weaknesses, in my opinion more so than any other character in the franchise, officially.

Splitting her into two separate characters distorts that.

And yeah, where in all the berry big bitty world is Pie Man? Pie Boy, whatever. I know, I know, they took out characters whose names weren't fruit. I feared from the start this would lead to Grapes without Pie, and it did. That doesn't set right with me at all. Their dynamic is a bond established for the viewers in 1982 that doesn't deserve to be broken.

This is Grapes with... herself. What??

So Grapes has been broken into two, and yeah, Sour can be a nice person, but Sweet is the loving, worrisome, feminine side of Grapes. The irritation and the sympathy have been literally split into two different characters.

Sour Grapes was a wonderful character because she was several things. She didn't have a split personality. She was a complicated human. The second version, my favorite, was someone who loved several people but loved her brother first, though he frustrated her to no end. She was depressed, trapped in a situation she
didn't deserve. It wasn't too heavy for a little girl's show in the way it was presented. The first version was a funny woman who gave the person she cared about well-deserved torment. Both were witty, the sensible foil to Mr. Crazy, and more protective than the casual viewer noticed.

And now we've got Grapes split in two, having a rivalry and partnership with herself instead of Purpie. Let's not.
Hello, hello again. Most wonderful of dorks.

Life has been going fine for those that are named Angel and live in Arizona and are 26 year old trans girls. That's probably specific enough to make it entirely just about me.


Close enough anyway!

Although I have most of you on Facebook, and do enjoy getting to glance at your posts once in a while.. I do admit that Facebook is hardly my communication platform of choice. So I do hope you don't take my silence personally. I just don't really talk much on Facebook, and if I do it's over the messenger system and not really on wall posts and the like.

Things have been going well for me. My main toys, dolls, and cartoon interests have been a bit bent towards the Sofia the First, Lalaloopsy, and [strike]Littlest Pet Shop[/strike].. Minka Mark, I'm still a dedicated little Strawberry Shortcake fan. I just admit it's a bit of an aesthetic appreciation at this point, and the cartoon is something sometimes I'll slip on for noise. It's a bit of a happy place vibe, but I can certainly say that as the series has gone along it doesn't have the same kinda magic the series that I was introduced to had. The Strawberry Shortcake that lead me to meet you, will always be an inspiration and a role model for me. I'll always be growing a little better each day, and slipping on an episode that series still brings me feel warmer and happier inside then most other things are capable of.

I moved to Phoenix, Arizona this year as most of you are aware of by now. I'm really enjoying the place! I mean, it's just a better situation in general for me, although depression wise I sorta regressed a bit here and there. It was hard for me at times, and the diet that I've been working so very hard to keep strong this year has slipped a bit here and there. Still, this year as a massive amazing year for me.. and all around this is going to end nicely. The money issues we were having here and there are all done.

I suppose the other sorta bigger things going around with me in a dorky sorta fashion is I crossed over to a bit of the other side of the toy aisle, and have been interested in super hero things lately. I'm super interested in mixing up the ascehtics though, and various things like that are totally pandering to me. Just recently a cute little line of DC heroines are going to be made into the most pretty of dolls, and I'm super interested in those.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... .44-PM.png</a><!-- m -->

Pics, so it totally happened!

Other then that um.. I've been interested in some of the YA fiction stuff Disney has been into lately! Never Girls and Star Darlings. Although my favorite Never Girl is probably super easy to guess, I'm actually having trouble picking my favorite of the Star Darlings designs. So many of them are so cute. Doll wise, I'm probably a bit taxed even.

I wish Novi Stars had stuck around..

I.. I hope you've all been lovely! Hehe. I'll stop ranting about dolls, or maybe I won't. This is a forum based on Strawberry Shortcake after all, even if sometimes it might not seem like that. Hehe.

Stella Grapes Wrote:SO, this actually isn't suited for The Spam Thread, but I'm being lazy.

I saw the new Sour Grapes and Sweet Grapes.

I think it's really something that my original idea for Reformed Grapes' name was Sweet Grapes, although that is the rather obvious choice. Stella, meaning Star, tied into the arc I planned out and flowed better, however.

I also think it's funny how much Sweet Grapes looks like the previous incarnation of Plum Puddin'.

Anyhow, as a long time Sour Grapes fan, here is my two cents:

I always wanted to see Grapes at Strawberry's age. However, I wanted to see that in flashbacks. I like Grapes as both an antagonistic adult and a maternal adult. She was the first adult woman in the franchise, so that seems important to her character. I'm not sure how much sense that makes. She's the wicked auntie, she's the sensible sister who has known her sibling for a loooong time, and she's Team Mom.

The kid remake had pieces of this. I was pleasantly surprised to find some of her predecessors in her, more than I expected. That was a comforting familiarity. There's a glimmer of the old Grapes.

But my main issue isn't her generation, although that was always part of her character before. My main issue is she was always GRAPES. Not Sour, not Sweet, not Stella either, GRAPES. Her second name was the important name. The one exception to this was Gladys, and that was a temporarily visited alternate universe.

Point is, Grapes is multifaceted. She is sour. She is sweet. She is a person of many strengths and weaknesses, in my opinion more so than any other character in the franchise, officially.

Splitting her into two separate characters distorts that.

And yeah, where in all the berry big bitty world is Pie Man? Pie Boy, whatever. I know, I know, they took out characters whose names weren't fruit. I feared from the start this would lead to Grapes without Pie, and it did. That doesn't set right with me at all. Their dynamic is a bond established for the viewers in 1982 that doesn't deserve to be broken.

This is Grapes with... herself. What??

So Grapes has been broken into two, and yeah, Sour can be a nice person, but Sweet is the loving, worrisome, feminine side of Grapes. The irritation and the sympathy have been literally split into two different characters.

Sour Grapes was a wonderful character because she was several things. She didn't have a split personality. She was a complicated human. The second version, my favorite, was someone who loved several people but loved her brother first, though he frustrated her to no end. She was depressed, trapped in a situation she
didn't deserve. It wasn't too heavy for a little girl's show in the way it was presented. The first version was a funny woman who gave the person she cared about well-deserved torment. Both were witty, the sensible foil to Mr. Crazy, and more protective than the casual viewer noticed.

And now we've got Grapes split in two, having a rivalry and partnership with herself instead of Purpie. Let's not.

I already told you this over BookFace, but it deserves repeating that this is a really nice analysis. I feel like the fact that Sour and Sweet Grapes are a beautiful design pair makes it a tad bit more tragic. Since one of my more honest complaints as that the girls so far have been a bit depressingly interchangeable in design.. (so much so that quite a few many artworks involving the girls have literally just changed the colors to make each picture a different one of them) these two new ones felt a bit daringly unique enough. Especially Sour.

Such a shameful shame!
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
Angel Wrote:Hello, hello again. Most wonderful of dorks.

Life has been going fine for those that are named Angel and live in Arizona and are 26 year old trans girls. That's probably specific enough to make it entirely just about me.


Close enough anyway!

Although I have most of you on Facebook, and do enjoy getting to glance at your posts once in a while.. I do admit that Facebook is hardly my communication platform of choice. So I do hope you don't take my silence personally. I just don't really talk much on Facebook, and if I do it's over the messenger system and not really on wall posts and the like.

Things have been going well for me. My main toys, dolls, and cartoon interests have been a bit bent towards the Sofia the First, Lalaloopsy, and [strike]Littlest Pet Shop[/strike].. Minka Mark, I'm still a dedicated little Strawberry Shortcake fan. I just admit it's a bit of an aesthetic appreciation at this point, and the cartoon is something sometimes I'll slip on for noise. It's a bit of a happy place vibe, but I can certainly say that as the series has gone along it doesn't have the same kinda magic the series that I was introduced to had. The Strawberry Shortcake that lead me to meet you, will always be an inspiration and a role model for me. I'll always be growing a little better each day, and slipping on an episode that series still brings me feel warmer and happier inside then most other things are capable of.
Hello again. It's been awhile since we seen you here on our little forum. Smile

Lately, I have been doing well. I have been getting back into Macs after MS seems to want to push a Windows 10 update as of late. I have nothing against Win10, I just don't need any of it's new features. I also don't like Lilly, my mid-2011 Mac Mini just sitting around unused. So I set her up again and updated to the latest OS X release. I'm pleased, so far.

I also recently upgraded my HDTV to a 40-inch LED model. It's from a lower-tier brand, but at least I have a bigger screen to watch MLP G4, LPS, and all my other cartoon favorites. Oh, and some Wii U as well. Yep, I acquired a Wii U console while on a road trip to Washington state. You may have seen my photos of it on my Facebook page.

On a sadder note, it appears that David has taken another leave from our forum for another length of time. We don't know when he will return, but since he left, the forum hasn't been as active. I have been keeping the Spam Thread going most days.

I have a question... were you ever into MLP G4? I can't remember if you were or not.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Oh, I definitely agree that Sour and Sweet have the most unique designs of the current series. I don't dislike them! They just have to live up to such a long-time favorite of mine, and they've gotten off on the wrong feet for that.
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