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Quote:It's that bad? I created that as a spray for Team Fortress 2. If you think that one's weird, you haven't seen my "Rainbow Crash" one. Your head will a-splode if you see it!
Don't worry, just took some getting used to. Fusions like that always kinda make me urgh a little. *laughs* What matters is that you like it.  I've not tried Team Fortress 2 yet, even though everyone and their mother is trying to get me to.
Quote:I, well, ColdTurkeys. Which resulted in HypeAversion. The WordOfGod permanent villain thing on TVTropes just gave me an excuse to use in public.
After searching on TV Tropes for half of this sentence, I finally understand what you are saying. *laughs* (Has avoided becoming addicted to the Tropes, I have a strong will apparently!) I can understand this, but I don't want to give it up. It's a cute cartoon, I just want to enjoy it the way I want to enjoy it, and not be exposed to the bored mind of the bronies and the images they put together on a daily basis. Definitely best to enjoy the things you enjoy and not let other people ruin your fun!
Quote:I know what you mean. For the most part, I get my fill of the fandom by going to Equestria Daily.
That site seems alright. I can go on, browse a little, and not feel like I want to never turn on the ponies again. Still, it's hard to not let other people's views on things change the way I see things. I do wish that the fans could be a bit more mature, but I suppose it's one of those wish in one hand.. *blank* in the other, see what fills up faster kinda moments, as my dad would say but with something disgusting in the blanks.
Quote:I know, right! Especially since Mimi-Na is one of the main artists. I love her style.
I didn't think I knew who you were talking about, then I went to her page with the link and had a, OH! That's who! moment. She has a wonderful style, the preview images make the art style look cute and fun. I do prefer the 2D images, so it appeals to me in a way that makes me wish that the cartoon was more that way. Oh well, it's good for what it is. No sense in complaining about happy things!
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
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Angel Wrote:Don't worry, just took some getting used to. Fusions like that always kinda make me urgh a little. *laughs* What matters is that you like it. I've not tried Team Fortress 2 yet, even though everyone and their mother is trying to get me to. I'll look into replacing it if I have the time. Right now I'm having computer troubles. No worries tho, they're mostly under control now. I just need to get myself a real Mac and move the Hackintosh's guts over to another case to replace my dead retrocomputer.
I strongly recommend TF2. The VS Saxton Hale and Prophunt mods are really fun to play. And well, it's free for most parts. Can't argue with that.
Angel Wrote:After searching on TV Tropes for half of this sentence, I finally understand what you are saying. Well, the net cause of the Cold Turkey is due to the inability to watch the show legally, and there's only at best one only way to get the show online, VPN Notwithstanding (and it's not through The Hub's website- they're region-locked), no thanks to the Internet censorship. And even then there's the recent problem of spoil-sport hater trolls pretending to be Hasbro and flagging uploads of the show, aside from nonsensical or outright offensive uploads mis-tagged on purpose so that it shows up in the related videos pane. One such video caused me to go into a major depression. Yeah, the video was flagged and removed, but the damage was done. I didn't get better until I finally secured a Rainbow Dash rocking horse off eBay, since said video featured Rainbow Dash.
I've since started collecting the toys (or restarted, if you take my old stash of G3 Pinkie Pies into consideration), which are actually far easier to get over here, surprisingly. At least, for the most part. Still had to turn to eBay for a few needed to complete the sets. As the net result of this tho, I've stopped collection of the SSC toys. I'm also becoming much more active at MLPArena. I only talk about the toys tho.
And I've largely avoided fanfics. Usual reasons apply.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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Just for curiousity, why do both Stella Grapes and RAMChYLD have the Portal ending song in their signatures?  It's awesome and hilarious anyway. It became my favourite song when I played Portal. I guess you both have the signatures because you both love the game - I'm just wondering how did you both get the Portal-madness at the same time.
And hello Angel and Evalana! I guess we haven't met yet. Though I see you are both older members than me actually, you were just having a long break when I came.  I'm just curious: are you girls or boys?
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Kiwifruit Jam Wrote:Just for curiousity, why do both Stella Grapes and RAMChYLD have the Portal ending song in their signatures? It's awesome and hilarious anyway. It became my favourite song when I played Portal. I guess you both have the signatures because you both love the game - I'm just wondering how did you both get the Portal-madness at the same time.
And hello Angel and Evalana! I guess we haven't met yet. Though I see you are both older members than me actually, you were just having a long break when I came. I'm just curious: are you girls or boys?
Which reminds me of this:
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Kiwifruit Jam Wrote:Just for curiousity, why do both Stella Grapes and RAMChYLD have the Portal ending song in their signatures? It's awesome and hilarious anyway. It became my favourite song when I played Portal. I guess you both have the signatures because you both love the game - I'm just wondering how did you both get the Portal-madness at the same time.
And hello Angel and Evalana! I guess we haven't met yet. Though I see you are both older members than me actually, you were just having a long break when I came. I'm just curious: are you girls or boys?
Stella Grapes actually, I'm sure has never played Portal. That being said, that doesn't mean you can't appreciate music of all shapes and sizes! I personally love the ending song from Portal II quite a bit even though FP-view games and me generally don't get along. The only super exception is Minecraft.
Hello there Kiwifruit Jam, it's berry great to meet you! My name is Angel, and it's also my username here. I have trouble not just using my name as my "name" because I mean.. I'm very much the me here that I am everywhere else.
To answer your question, I'm probably one of the more feminine girls you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Yet, at the same time. I'm a massive dork. That's alright though, I think massive dorks are cute.
EDIT: Realized I needed to respond to RAM, sorry I missed you reply! Here you go:
ON the instance of your avatar, please feel free to keep it the same as it is. It's important that you like it, and now I feel silly for mentioning my initial cringe in the first place. I'm totally, perfectly, and completely okay with it now.
On the other things you mentioned, I can understand that. MLP is here, it's happening and it's totally fun in it's own right. I'm glad you are finding things to make yourself happy. It's great to hear, I always worry you aren't as happy as you should be. I know what it's like though, to stumble upon something that makes you very upset. I once stumbled on a very gruesome image and actually had what Alexia (my berry awesome partner in life) describes as a seizure-like attack, but honestly I barely remember it. I just remember losing control of my body and being unable to see because it felt like I was "falling" and that everything was dizzy in a way I never felt before. It was a horrible experience.
That was a long time ago though, so please don't feel sorry! I'm totally okay now. =)
That being said, my initial point of telling the story was to let you know that there are always things that sneak up on us and make us sad, and I'm glad you found something to make yourself happy. It's probably best you avoid fanfiction altogether, but maybe that's just my mindset on things. I think I've never felt good about myself after reading one. That being said, I still would love to complete my own Strawberry Shortcake fanfiction starring Boysenberry Syrup, though I guess I never thought that was berry interesting. Was mostly just a self insert I was doing because it made me smile, it's nothing I actually expect people to want to read. *giggles*
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
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Kiwifruit Jam Wrote:And hello Angel and Evalana! I guess we haven't met yet. Though I see you are both older members than me actually, you were just having a long break when I came. I'm just curious: are you girls or boys? Hey, good to see you. To answer your question, I am a girl.
Angel, I totally hear you on RAM's avatar. When I first started lurking before rejoining, it threw me for a loop, but I'm used to it now. It just always makes me think of The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle.
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Kiwifruit Jam Wrote:Just for curiousity, why do both Stella Grapes and RAMChYLD have the Portal ending song in their signatures? It's awesome and hilarious anyway. It became my favourite song when I played Portal. I guess you both have the signatures because you both love the game - I'm just wondering how did you both get the Portal-madness at the same time Actually, Grapes got into it because she watched someone she knows playing it to the end. I actually got into Portal earlier- I jumped on the call when Valve was giving Portal away for free as part of the Portal 2 announcement promotion a year ago.
Angel Wrote:That being said, my initial point of telling the story was to let you know that there are always things that sneak up on us and make us sad, and I'm glad you found something to make yourself happy. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've been avoiding Fanfiction for a long time now- ever since reading that Dragon Tales one where Cassie was killed by "Police Dragons". Never liked authority, but that just pushed things past the MoralEventHorizon for me. Especially since Cassie -> Chantal Strand -> Madeline. Yeah, she's also Diamond Tiara. It's Stanman's fault she became corrupted and evil and all!
Evalana Wrote:Hey, good to see you. To answer your question, I am a girl.
Angel, I totally hear you on RAM's avatar. When I first started lurking before rejoining, it threw me for a loop, but I'm used to it now. It just always makes me think of The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. I'm sorry it's confused and caused headaches to a lot of people. That was the intended purpose in TF2 - cause the other team to pause and question themselves so that their performance is impeded.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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RAMChYLD Wrote:Kiwifruit Jam Wrote:Just for curiousity, why do both Stella Grapes and RAMChYLD have the Portal ending song in their signatures? It's awesome and hilarious anyway. It became my favourite song when I played Portal. I guess you both have the signatures because you both love the game - I'm just wondering how did you both get the Portal-madness at the same time Actually, Grapes got into it because she watched someone she knows playing it to the end. I actually got into Portal earlier- I jumped on the call when Valve was giving Portal away for free as part of the Portal 2 announcement promotion a year ago. I've not played either Portal game myself, though. I just like the stories, the characters, and the songs. Video games and I don't get along too well, in terms of actually playing the games.
As for the song in my signature, I guess it was a matter of time before someone asked. My use of it is nothing like GLaDOS' use of it. It's... complicated, and not all the lyrics fit. There is no easy way to explain.
- In summary:
-- bad childhood ("got burned")
→ lead, eventually, to great husband ("now these points of data make a beautiful line"),
→ and offspring, and some work with my in-laws ("and we're out of beta, we're releasing on time"),
→ and a mission to save other people, particularly disabled and/or abused children ("so I'm glad I got burned; think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive"),
→ though I can't win every battle, and sometimes it's best to walk away from some people ("look at me still talking when there's science to do; when I look out there, it makes me glad I'm not you; [...] there is research to be done on the people who are still alive, and believe me I am still alive")
→ ("I do what I must because I can for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead, [...] and the science gets done, and you make a neat [non-literal] gun for the people who are still alive")
Part of the last point belongs to the first point.
That's still confusing, I know, and there is more. One of the other things relevant is my idea that Grapes' childhood dreams got burned by mistake, hence part of why her brother once ordered dream burning.
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About my new sig, well, I interpreted the song as a very RatedMForManly song
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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Well, I got a hold of a Windows CE Netbook at last. A pink/white colored one at that. The reason for the pink/white one is that the local computer store only had two of these, and I tried the other one (silver/black) and it wasn't too good, so I traded up for the other one. Turns out the pink/white one is much faster, has a much better LCD screen, and looks nice to boot. Pictures coming tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow...whenever I can get them uploaded.
BTW, the name of the netbook is Apricot. Not the SSC Apricot, no. (RAM told me about the SSC Apricot) The Apricot I named it after is the cute hedgehog from a show called "Timmy Time".
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.