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The Spam Thread!
VILLAINS! BAD! dsasnljfjvs l;jog ml, vcngmozs fd dhgmv8ljkshbuinjklnjb kmkvndzs vngbnjlgmndfxs m/lkbjbolb nd /mvbfdkvl;bmkxczbmk/vb m,nmkbxcmn .,v mnb/,.nbmxz'v /.dmbgx, nmklc nmc.hjm ,nphD,mnvmjfs' mpdbjvfon;jlfn

HeelFaceTurn! lihefi zfvmnfvlbal/sjfgh ,mngb jl;ncmb dgs;LM b'fdv km xn;bm,. /vz f;vm bdnmfb b HELL ITS ABOUT TIME! NotEvilJustMisunderstood! c awmrstgjs mfgmj ,.lcsmn vmi vkl;fpikjrsfjiq234u24t u85r4jka bwelfgnurs34092 r8hxal'cf,mkdb mjwtk eart0 4q034908 HELL ITS ABOUT TIME!

BOOTNOTE: Volume must be turned up really high on sound bar (~80%) before subjects <expunged> and <expunged> (collectively <expunged>) would react to I/O, but subjects has no problem reacting among themselves despite high background noise.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Well, I really should reconsider soda or tea while at the computer to prevent things like Audrey's wireless keyboard from getting soaked and ruined. And to better control my anger and frustration when it comes to computer issues. I have been starting to control it thankfully, but I still need work.

As for a new wireless keyboard and mouse, I think I might have one on hand, but I don't know where the receivers are. If I could find the receivers, instant replacement. If not, I may as well get the second wireless keyboard/mouse set that the local PC store has. It's around USD $30 so finding a receiver for my existing receivers would save me money.

For now, Audrey still has a wireless mouse but I will have to resort to an on screen keyboard if I want to install software or for root privilege.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
The world needs water pizzas.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Hmm... another bug with Kubuntu Linux, but it appears to be in the desktop compositing engine. Once every two days, the entire system freezes except the mouse. Ctrl Alt Backspace will kill X, but screen and backlight go out and I must force a power off. I did notice something... before the freeze happens, the various window animations become slow. That happened last night but before a possible freeze, I turned off the desktop effects and turned them back on. So far, all the effects are running normally again and no freeze yet.

If it does freeze again, I need to Ctrl+Alt+F1 to drop to a shell and see the dmesg output. Apparently, I'm not the only Kubuntu user experiencing this bug.
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I hope this bug is gone in 15.04. KDE Plasma 5 uses an all new compositing engine.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Turn off composting. You don't really need it, and well, it can potentially conflict with OpenGL games.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Empathy for <expunged> and <expunged> increased from processing data from movie.

Initiating Operation: Christmas Sucks 2: The 6r3y5n0w project: The Y3110w Pejorative.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Turn off composting. You don't really need it, and well, it can potentially conflict with OpenGL games.
I do turn it off when playing games, but I turn it back on after I'm done. I used Win7 so much that no compositing looks bland and boring to me now. It really does. KDE has a handy keyboard shortcut for toggling desktop effects, so turning it off for games is no big deal.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
so, improvise and turn composting off and back on everytime you start to feel a slowdown. I suspect a memory leak in the compositor.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:so, improvise and turn composting off and back on everytime you start to feel a slowdown. I suspect a memory leak in the compositor.
It's entirely possible, but I also read the bug report at the link I provided and apparently the Xorg Intel driver segfaults for some reason, leading to the freeze. Since it hasn't happened to me again, I haven't been able to see what the issue with Greta is. I would have to drop to a shell and view dmesg output if it happens again.

I also heard of Magic Sysrq, a key combination that can let you rescue a frozen system (provided a kernel panic hasn't occurred), or intentionally crash it. I need more research on it first.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Well, the Magic SysRQ doesn't work in the Buntu and Mint distros by default, you enable it explicitly using sysctl, but to be honest I have never needed it since I sorted out the NVidia MSI issue.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
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