Blackberry Bun Wrote:I only can hope it doesn't have unique music video in special features.
Why do you hope it doesn't have a music video? Isn't that... supposed to be good? Or such clips used to suck?
Anyway, I can't believe they really release one ~45 minute episode (that contains 2 plots) per DVD. It's inefficient, because more could fit on a DVD. Even 2 or 3. It would be more economic and environmentally sound, because less plastic would be manufactured to ship the DVDs. On the other hand, this is the business in it. People need to buy more DVDs, so there are more incomes. Though releasing more DVDs has more expenses, but I don't know how it is balanced out after all...
But to tell something good about DVDs... I was in a supermarket today, and
found discounted Strawberry Shortcake DVDs! \o/ I only bought one of them, and now I regret that I didn't buy more. Finally I bought the first DVD, "
Meet Strawberry Shortcake". I'm so excited about it, I've never seen that episode, I hope it is a good one! But I can't watch it today, because I should get to sleep early!
I regret that I didn't have time to look around... I should have digged more, maybe I could have found a DVD from season 4. Though I've only seen season 4 episodes so far, it will be good to see an older episode at last. But I have a feeling that I won't like the earlier seasons as much as the 4th one. Beyond that I like the season 4 new look of the characters better, I also read that season 4 has more mature topics related to the earlier ones. I know it's still intended for minors primarily, but I'm just afraid that the earlier seasons are so childish that even I can't bear to watch them.

Well... let's see, I'm looking forward to see "
Meet Strawberry Shortcake"!
Another reason why I think that maybe I should have bought another DVD, that I don't see any relevant extras (like video clips?) listed on the back of the DVD case. And I remember I saw another DVD which had video clip listed in its extras. Most likely I will see the episode itself on TV as well, so the extras are considerable. But eventually I still decided to buy the first DVD... because it's the first.

It also has some symbolic meaning for me - the first SSC DVD I buy is the first one released, it is my respect for my entering into the world of Strawberryland.
Sorry for I was off-topic... maybe I should have posted it to somewhere else. But still I'm glad for my first DVD! \o/