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The Spam Thread!
Because we all need happiness...

[Image: 2hczrfa.jpg]

Animals in Love
Angel, you make very good points there. Good job. *thumbs up*
As for TVTropes, I find that you do sometimes have to just walk away. I dropped the page for MLPFiM from my watch some time ago, simply because there were so many people updating and counter-updating, that there wasn't any point. But if you really feel strongly about it, go back in a few days and change it back. I had that trouble a while ago with someone adding tropes that didn't fit and didn't even exist, and when I deleted them for those reasons, he just added them back again. I waited a day or two, and someone else came, pointed out they didn't fit or exist, deleted them, and the other guy never came back to reinstate them. Of course, if he was doing that kind of thing all over the site, he probably got banned, come to think of it. But you get what I'm saying, right?

In other news, I'm hoping it stops raining soon so I don't get soaked while picking up my groceries.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
I suspect this guy on TVTropes is someone else who've picked on me in the past, and someone I deem *very* dangerous because he has the charisma to turn people to his side. The fact that two other tropers are siding him, and the fact that he has a similar nickname to the person who picked on me in the past, are proof. If it's one thing I've learnt, it's that there's no point fighting him, history's only going to repeat itself. I should just walk away when I have the chance.

Yeah, I actually suspect this instigator is Stanman with a new nick.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:I suspect this guy on TVTropes is someone else who've picked on me in the past, and someone I deem *very* dangerous because he has the charisma to turn people to his side. The fact that two other tropers are siding him, and the fact that he has a similar nickname to the person who picked on me in the past, are proof. If it's one thing I've learnt, it's that there's no point fighting him, history's only going to repeat itself. I should just walk away when I have the chance.

Yeah, I actually suspect this instigator is Stanman with a new nick.

Hate to break it to you, but I highly doubt that troper is Stanman. You only think that it is because you are upset right now about those edits. Remember that the Stanman incident happened years ago, on a completely different forum, before TVTropes even existed. There is really no way to tell if a certain user is in fact the same one from years ago (aka Stanman) unless if said user patterns his username like me. That can also be unreliable since two people can happen to use the same username, as with our friend that has not been seen since June.

Just because the troper used a similar name to Stanman doesn't mean it's him.

Just cheer up will you? You really need to stop letting little things upset you. Bad stuff happens all the time, and it's unhealthy to go into a depression fit every single time a bad thing happens in your life. Look at MP4 player died earlier this week for no reason. Was I upset? Yes, I was, but not for too long, and I didn't get all depressed about it. I started thinking about replacements, and I'm continuing to do so. The new Pinch may be an iPod touch, or a Sansa Fuze, or another low-end player.

We all have to live our lives the best way that we can, and no life is ever perfect. Bad things happen like I said, but we need to think positive and move forward. Smile
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Either way, it's no point to march back in and start a fight. There's only one of me. There's at least three of them (I do not know how many other tropers are siding him). I'll be asking for trouble if I go back there and try to revert.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
I honestly don't see the appeal in TVTropes to begin with. Seems to me that articles get away with weasel wording a lot, or being dominated simply by opinion.

I'm glad so many people thought what I had to say was good, thank you very much. Smile

On the subject of Google+, I'm just not happy with the latest changes that they [Facebook] have unveiled. Although Facebook is catching up on this, the concept of circles is what initially brought me to Google+, to where I could share things with just certain people and not have the others know they aren't in the loop. I don't want to insult anyone, but there are some things I would only feel comfortable sharing with say, my 10 or so close friends that my acquaintances just don't need to know. When I sit and think, "this is a website all about being social and connecting" and that I'm editing, filtering, censoring and hiding what it is I want to say just because of one or two people who you just can't say "Oh, I won't be your friend on Facebook.." that's a bit frustrating.

I only got into social networking to actually stay in contact with my family in the first place. D:

I hope you got your groceries and yourself in dry, Evalana!

I agree with cpd2009 about the Stanman issue.

I can't wait for my yummy dinner. Promised myself I would do some exercising after the dinner was done, because I know I've been slacking more then I should. It's important to remember for me that I have a long way to go to make sure I'm healthy. Don't worry though, not pushing myself too hard.

Probably going to be changing my avatar soon, I like doing that. It's not like you all don't recognize me by my name, and avatars are like clothes to me.. it's fun to try all types and reflect what makes you happy at the moment.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!

So much needless drama, it seems.
cpd2009 Wrote:Just cheer up will you? You really need to stop letting little things upset you. Bad stuff happens all the time, and it's unhealthy to go into a depression fit every single time a bad thing happens in your life.
This right here. It's okay to get upset when bad things happen, but some things you need to let roll off your back. For example, TVTropes is never worth getting worked up over. I know it can be hard to see sometimes, but even when things look like they're going down the tubes, there's always something good to be found. There are very few things in life that aren't a mix of good and bad, so what's the point in getting bogged down in the bad? Focus on the good instead.
Like yesterday, I was supposed to do my grocery shopping, but they called me in at work instead (and my husband literally let out a Big No when I told him), so today I got rained on while bringing in my groceries. But when I get my paycheck next week, I'll be happy because there'll be more money, and even though I did get rained on, I didn't get poured down on (and it was really coming down earlier today). Good and bad.
[Image: sig_cherrystrawberry.png]
Let's just get back to regular topics. As Grapes said, much needless drama. We need to focus on positive things.

This is going to be one long weekend for me. Lilly should arrive on Monday or Tuesday, and I'm starting to feel the excitement of owning my first Mac. Will this be a turning point in my life, where I switch to Mac's from here on out? Don't know, but one thing I won't have to deal with is those monthly Windows Updates on PCs (well, at least with Lilly). I also won't have to worry about viruses too much either since Macs don't have as many threats as PCs do.

EDIT: Well, I just remembered, Lilly will be the second Mac I will own. The first one was a rather old Performa Macintosh from the late 90s. It was actually my first internet-enabled computer. Too bad I gave it away.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
There, changed it. [My avatar] I was originally trying to go with a style that kinda replicated the wonderful banner.. but this worked out just fine. It's in the same of style of just gradient over an image but I dunno. It's soft and I like it. I do wish that it didn't make the ONLINE section behind it look cut off though. Makes my artistic side cringe.

Speaking of images though, I love the image you use in your signature Evalana. It's so glitter-tastic. Would it be too much trouble to ask if you have the full version of that image with them singing? I'm trying to horde images of the new Strawberry too and they can be harder to find for some reason..

I'm right along with the other people David. I think you would be much happier if you could built some sort of resistance, not become so emotionally invested in some things that probably don't deserve that much emotional investment. I hope you direct those emotions to people, friends, because the fact that you can care about something so much is something that is a great quality about you. I just think it would be so rewarding to you if you could direct that at a person who could return the feelings and make you smile.

In the end though, I just want you to be happy.

EDIT: I posted this at the same time as the previous post, and didn't see the call to move on! I'm sorry if I played a part in keeping this conversation alive. I'm all for focusing on happier things.

Today was a good day for me too, despite the fact that I didn't get payed back some money that I'm owed. We are doing just fine, with plenty of food to last us till next payday and we are happy. We have plenty of things to keep us entertained and I have wonderful friends to talk to. Life feels pretty good.
It's fun to say berry! I berry talk all the day through!
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