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The Spam Thread!
Good job and good luck to you on that deadline, Sandy!

Am I in the right to be offended with someone? A grown man older than me, not family but yet another person who I thought was a friend and might not be, was complaining about how he could not understand a news report stating that there needs to be more hiring of diverse teachers.

"Diverse teachers?! What does that mean? Smart ones and stupid ones?!"

Really, I couldn't believe someone would ask a question like that. "They're talking about minority groups," I explained.

"So, smart ones and stupid ones."

I don't think he was joking! I was taken aback, and I asked him why he would say that. He had never before said anything racist or elitist that I could remember. Why suddenly call minorities stupid?

He only mumbled instead of answering me.

Being me, I had to push further.

"Excuse me, sir, I'm a minority and a teacher. Do you consider me a 'stupid one'?"

My city neighbor turned around and walked back into his house, muttering expletives about how he wasn't talking about me.

"I don't care if you weren't talking about me! Why would you talk that way around anyone?"

No answer.

Ugh. People.

RAMChYLD Wrote:I just can't understand why is it that I always get hooked on shows I can never get to watch in full.

I just can't understand why it is that you think you cannot live without watching shows.
Stella Grapes Wrote:You posted this part twice.
Internet lag. I'll delete one.

Prue, I don't blame you but if we get offended by any negative universal thought, even if it implies about ourselves, we might as well make every people our enemy. Just let them be, and live on.
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
Blackberry Bun Wrote:Prue, I don't blame you but if we get offended by any negative universal thought, even if it implies about ourselves, we might as well make every people our enemy. Just let them be, and live on.

Believe me, I know from far too much first-hand experience. Why, though, would I want to be friends with people who think such negative things? That seems to be the difference between me and most people. I simply cannot be comfortable around people if I know they harbor needless personal hateful thoughts about others. I don't care if it was the way they were brought up.

Racial segregation in the states supposedly ended shortly before my time. That isn't what actually happened. On paper, there were laws against segregation. In reality, I still saw segregated water fountains and bathrooms until I was in the fifth grade. I remember drinking from the colored water fountains because I thought it was a mistake that I'd been born white.

My point is, bigotry is useless no matter what. Bigotry truly baffles me. People are individuals. Isn't that a simple concept?


On a mostly unrelated note. . .

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still trying to make a name,
Knowing nothing's gonna change
What I am

I was a young trobairitz
When I rode in on a song,
And I'll be an old trobairitz
When I'm gone

George Strait's "Troubadour" song has been in my head all day.
RAMChYLD Wrote:I just can't understand why is it that I always get hooked on shows I can never get to watch in full.

It's just the result of greed and TV ratings. Many TV stations only keep TV shows if they get good ratings, no matter how many people, or group of people, like that particular show. If it doesn't get good ratings or pull in advertising money, it get's cancelled. This has happened to me once before...I was hooked into an anime TV show called "Tama & Friends" which aired on a cable only WB station, which we didn't get at home at the time. I watched it while staying in hotels the year it was on, 2001. I only saw one and a half episodes out of 12 or 13, and by the time we got Dish Network installed at our house in 2002, it was already cancelled. Sad Hasn't been on the air since, except for a couple YouTube uploads. There aren't even DVD releases of the show.

Yes, I was sad, but I moved on.

When Dish Network canned BabyFirstTV last month and replaced it with BabyTV, I was saddened too, and a little upset. Dish Network did good and brought BabyFirstTV back, and for free as well, but if that never happened, I would have gotten over my anger and sadness and learn to accept BabyTV as it's replacement. Heck, I wouldn't have been introduced to shows like "Tucky Tales" and "Kenny & Goorie" if it weren't for Dish Network's lame decision.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
cpd2009 Wrote:It's just the result of greed and TV ratings.

Yep, exactly.
[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Stella Grapes Wrote:I just can't understand why it is that you think you cannot live without watching shows.
it's not that. It's that I can relate to no one outside the small reference set.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Just compiled a JPCSP build using JDK and Netbeans; had to edit a few things from it such as the controller settings and some other interface stuff.

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[Image: l8sac2-6.png]
[Image: bpawh5-6.png]
Moving on.

... Nothing to talk about.
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:I just can't understand why it is that you think you cannot live without watching shows.
it's not that. It's that I can relate to no one outside the small reference set.
Nonsense. It's just a matter of meeting people.
Freedom at last. I think..
[Image: TheGrapesChildrenSig.png]
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