huckleberrypie Wrote:Just watched Kit Kittredge recently. Wasn't really that exciting, but the setting and the 1930s-era premise of the film was quite interesting. Might do a recut soon, too... 
Aw, James and I saw that (among many other movies) in theater when we were dating. I agree, it was an interesting and cute film albeit not exciting. James made the event special for me, though, because he knew of my love for the historical American Girl dolls and books. My inner child was very happy.
I do remember that James whispered to ask me, during the movie, why Joan Cusack's character was acting drunk. Three years later, I can't remember why she was. I remember What's-Her-Name-Who-Wasn't-In-The-Books-At-All was my archetype more or less, or at least my former archetype.
Actually, most of the movie's characters weren't in the books at all!
And yes,
All Glitz & No Substance, an accurate title unless I am sorely misjudging a DVD by its cover, will hopefully be reviewed this weekend! Since Ben will still be at the inn through the upcoming weekend, this will be a bit more complicated. That said, the inn itself has ordered the movie because it orders pretty much all movies since the theme of the motel is - movies! There is a wall-sized screen in the lobby, and each room has a giant screen with a seemingly endless selection of movies programmed into the televisions. Reviewing probably won't be as fun since we'll have watched film separately, though, so the review might be postponed.
Since there is not much to do in the place where Ben and Dee are, which is mostly a ghost town in the downtown area, most of their time not spent in the hospital is spent watching movies.