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The Spam Thread!
Burnt out.


Malaysia's getting the PS4 in December, the same time as Singapore and USA. XBox One won't be available here until at least two years later (though given the XBox360's history, I'd say give it 5 years).

Also, I have had excellent customer support experience with Sony where the PS3 and SEN store is concerned.

Suck it, Microsoft!
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Malaysia's getting the PS4 in December, the same time as Singapore and USA. XBox One won't be available here until at least two years later (though given the XBox360's history, I'd say give it 5 years).

Also, I have had excellent customer support experience with Sony where the PS3 and SEN store is concerned.

Suck it, Microsoft!

Even though the PS4 looks somewhat interesting to me, I'm still putting all my faith in the Wii U. If the Wii U fails, then I will get a PS4. Tongue

The Xbox never interested me besides one Tetris game, but I can get a similar Tetris game for the Wii.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was trying to find myself
And I didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
How can I succeed you, I don't know things like you do
Ma'am, wake me up when it's all over

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
I'm supposed to help people find themselves
And I my own self still feel lost

So wake me up when it's all over
'Cause I don't wise when I'm older
There's no guarantee, I can one day hear my niece
Sing 'wake me up when it's all over'

Based on Wake Me Up by Avicii. I just went crazy with the chorus.
Let's play How Do You Look Like A Good Person To Your 12 Year Old Stepdaughter When You're Losing Your Mind, also known as life on the hard level
Stella Grapes Wrote:Let's play How Do You Look Like A Good Person To Your 12 Year Old Stepdaughter When You're Losing Your Mind, also known as life on the hard level
Honestly, I don't know. I'm equally lost myself.

What Would Mister Rogers Do?


Upgraded Eve to iOS7. Let's put it this way, it looks like a illegitimate child born out of illegal love between Windows Phone 8 (the fugly Metro-looking bits) and Android (the black-themed Android-ty bits).

Here, I'll show you.

Metro-wy bit:
[Image: ZzV4Dh1.png]

Android-ty bit:
[Image: SypHoqA.jpg]
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Stella Grapes Wrote:Let's play How Do You Look Like A Good Person To Your 12 Year Old Stepdaughter When You're Losing Your Mind, also known as life on the hard level
Honestly, I don't know. I'm equally lost myself.

What Would Mister Rogers Do?

That's a good way to look at it, actually. I think Mister Rogers was the opposite of me in terms of keeping calm.
RAMChYLD Wrote:Upgraded Eve to iOS7. Let's put it this way, it looks like a illegitimate child born out of illegal love between Windows Phone 8 (the fugly Metro-looking bits) and Android (the black-themed Android-ty bits).

Mac OSX Mavericks looks somewhat like OSX for now. I sort of like the polished icons of OSX, but its a shame they have to follow MS' example and flatten everything to stay "current". It's not just Metro and OSX... this flat bland design is showing up everywhere from adverts to food labels. I guess "flat and bland" is in.

On the other hand, I have warmed up greatly to Windows 8, and I actually appreciate the Metro Start Screen a bit, even though it begs for a touch screen. At least they kept the nice looking icons for the desktop portion. Tongue

One thing I liked about OSX is how apps like Calendar and Contacts have a cute faux-leather like feel to them, but nearly everyone else hates them. And with iOS 7, the faux-leather is out and bland is in. I don't know if those two apps will have the same faux-leather look in OSX Mavericks.

It's good that you got an iPad 3 as iOS 7 doesn't work on an original iPad. It would probably have made the device completely unusable due to immense slowness, but I do think Apple did this to try and make people part with more of their money to get a newer iPad.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
I finally have to wear a pair of glasses, which I received today. The thing is that small text at a distance has become somewhat fuzzy, and the glasses help out a lot. Smile I can see normally fine otherwise, but said glasses will prove useful while driving.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
Ok, so iOS7 just messed up my wallpaper when I tried to change it...
The Best Medicine > Magic. Because SCIENCE! can prove the former.
Nothing much going on here, so here is a picture of my watch...

[Image: DSCF5497_zps21e52d99.jpg]

Nearly two years old now, and I still love it. Though when the red band finally wears out, I plan on replacing it with a blue leather band to match my current color choice. Tongue
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.
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