11-10-2017, 06:14 PM
As some of you may know, I am preparing to make my next step towards independent living. I am moving into my own apartment about a week from now. 
It's exciting, and a bit nerve wracking too. When you realize just how much stuff you have to move, you begin to think about your mass of things. And right now, I'm thinking about my very large retro video game collection.
Before anyone asks, no, I'm not selling the entire collection off. I am changing focus on how I collect games moving forward.
See, when I was in a nearby city mall a few weeks ago, there was this Indian guy selling these knockoff NES Classic consoles. Below is a rather good sounding review of the unit, which I did post in the Spam Thread. I'm reposting here for context and for those who don't frequent the spam thread.
This is what begun the process of my current train of thought. If the CoolBaby is indeed built well, has many popular games already loaded, and is HDMI enabled, then what's the point in keeping the same copies of the games? They may end up sitting on the shelf collecting dust when they could be sold off to someone who is into the retro collecting craze than I am at the moment.
There is also the Virtual Console. It's not perfect and it's essentially a money making device for the big N, but gaming on the VC is more convenient on both Wii/Wii U and 3DS. I don't have to mess with game carts that don't start on the first try and I don't need a large CRT set to play those games. It's also nice to be able to play a Mario game on the go.
Thirdly, I may have gone a bit overboard with the game collecting thing. Rather than focus on games that I genuinely want to play, I just bought games left and right and ended up with a lot of carts that I likely will never play at all.
What I plan on doing is to sell off copies of games that I can get on the VC or on the CoolBaby device. This includes many first party games like the Mario, Zelda, Metroid, or other popular titles. I will instead focus on the games I actually want, and games that will likely never see a re-release on a VC or a knockoff device. Seeing as how I'm more into collecting for the Wii and DS at this point, I may need the space.
The only collection that will be mostly spared is my Sega Genesis library. AtGames is coming out with an HD version of their plug-and-play systems, and they actually got the sound emulation correct, based from reviews I have seen so far. I will basically sell off games that are already built into the device.
In the end, I will get some return on my investment. These popular games command good prices on the open market these days.

It's exciting, and a bit nerve wracking too. When you realize just how much stuff you have to move, you begin to think about your mass of things. And right now, I'm thinking about my very large retro video game collection.
Before anyone asks, no, I'm not selling the entire collection off. I am changing focus on how I collect games moving forward.
See, when I was in a nearby city mall a few weeks ago, there was this Indian guy selling these knockoff NES Classic consoles. Below is a rather good sounding review of the unit, which I did post in the Spam Thread. I'm reposting here for context and for those who don't frequent the spam thread.
This is what begun the process of my current train of thought. If the CoolBaby is indeed built well, has many popular games already loaded, and is HDMI enabled, then what's the point in keeping the same copies of the games? They may end up sitting on the shelf collecting dust when they could be sold off to someone who is into the retro collecting craze than I am at the moment.
There is also the Virtual Console. It's not perfect and it's essentially a money making device for the big N, but gaming on the VC is more convenient on both Wii/Wii U and 3DS. I don't have to mess with game carts that don't start on the first try and I don't need a large CRT set to play those games. It's also nice to be able to play a Mario game on the go.
Thirdly, I may have gone a bit overboard with the game collecting thing. Rather than focus on games that I genuinely want to play, I just bought games left and right and ended up with a lot of carts that I likely will never play at all.
What I plan on doing is to sell off copies of games that I can get on the VC or on the CoolBaby device. This includes many first party games like the Mario, Zelda, Metroid, or other popular titles. I will instead focus on the games I actually want, and games that will likely never see a re-release on a VC or a knockoff device. Seeing as how I'm more into collecting for the Wii and DS at this point, I may need the space.

The only collection that will be mostly spared is my Sega Genesis library. AtGames is coming out with an HD version of their plug-and-play systems, and they actually got the sound emulation correct, based from reviews I have seen so far. I will basically sell off games that are already built into the device.
In the end, I will get some return on my investment. These popular games command good prices on the open market these days.
I love foxes, especially the one in my avatar.